Two Big Changes for the Next Season of The Witcher

The Witcher showrunner Lauren Schmidt clarified some facts for their second season during an interview with TheWrap’s Emmy Magazine. Multiple timelines are gone and Vesemir is joining the team.

Most of the first season, viewers followed three different timelines that converged by the season finale. Going into season two, all characters will be in the same storyline as the adventure together and fight off the Nilfgaard invading forces.

Joining the team is Vesemir! This is the wise old mentor to Geralt that holds his own in any fight. Vesemir acts as a companion and teacher in the games and is likely an advisor in the Netflix series. Casting speculation will be rolling in soon, with most rumors stating the role goes to the Danish actor Kim Bodnia. The fan-favorite is Mark Hamill after his work on Knightfall. Who would you want to play Vesemir?

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